Oh, an embarrassing post today courtesy of Top Ten Tuesday and I’m up to the challenge! I’m also curious to find out what I come up with ………
Category Archives: Top Ten Tuesday
Ten Books to Finish in 2022
With both Christmas and New Year now over, I still haven’t posted any challenges and I’m still mulling over what I want to tackle. But what I do have is a couple of lists which I want to focus on. I usually read multiple books at a time but I’ve developed a bad habit over the last few years of starting books and not completing them, even though I have every intention of finishing. So my first list for the new year is unfinished books that I need to … well, FINISH!
Books to Pull You Out of A Reading Slump
Well, I’m doing a little more reading lately but haven’t finished anything to post, so I thought I would participate in this week’s Top Ten Tuesday to keep some sort of momentum on this blog.
I don’t often get into a complete reading slump. If I get bored with a genre, I will sometimes switch to another. But I can IMAGINE the books I would chose if I actually did experience a full-on slump (perish the thought). So here they are:
Top Ten Tuesday ~ Top Ten Books That I Could Read Forever
Yes, I’m aware that it’s not Tuesday. But since I’ve been sooo lacking in reading time lately AND so busy with working and such, I thought when I had a moment I’d participate in the last Top Ten Tuesday and that moment came TODAY! This theme is so interesting and I’m excited to pick my top ten …
What would happen if I was being sent to a deserted tropical island by myself and I could only chose ten books to take with me? Which ones would I choose? Right now, I’m not entirely certain, so let’s find out!
Top Ten Tuesday – Historical Novels for School
The Broke and the Bookish Top Ten Tuesday’s theme is something “schoolish” so I’ve chosen to pick my top historical fiction books for children. Generally, I’m rather choosy with my history book choices (even non-fiction), trying to avoid any books that are speculative or modernized or too coloured with the author’s opinions. With that in mind, here are my top picks, books that are well-researched and are able to transport the child back to the time of the novel and give them not only a good understanding, but a permanent connection with an event or person. These books are all excellent!
Top Ten Spring Books
Ah, Spring! The word is familiar but I think that I’ve forgotten what it looks like considering our rather chilly winter this year.
© Cleo @ Classical Carousel |
However, today it’s very rainy and 9 C which is much more normal, so it’s not so difficult for my brain to contemplate the coming of flowers and sun and warmer temperatures. Now as for books, let’s see what I have slated for this much anticipated time of year as I participate in another Top Ten Tuesday from the Broke and the Bookish.
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Source Wikipedia |
Books for Spring!
The History of the Peloponnesian War
by Thucydides
Following on the heels of Herodotus’ The Histories, this is the second book in my The Well-Educated Mind history project. I loved Herodotus so I’m looking forward to this one!
The Republic
by Plato
I must admit, I cannot wait to read this! Am I crazy? Perhaps, but the only work of Plato I’ve read is The Apology and I loved it. I think he and I will become fast friends.
The Last Chronicle of Barset
by Anthony Trollope
I’m shocked at the thought of completing my Barsetshire project. I’m halfway through The Small House At Allington, so I hope by the end of spring to complete the whole thing. Woo Hoo!
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
by Lewis Carroll
This is the read-along for Amanda at Simpler Pastimes’ Classic Children’s Literature Event for April, which I’m highly anticipating. It’s been at least a decade since I joined Alice in her adventures and I’m looking forward to it.
Finn Family Moomintroll
by Tove Jansson
Ah, I love my family of Moomins and all their fun friends. It will be so special to revisit this children’s classic, perhaps my favourite of all the children’s classics. Another book for the Classic Children’s Literature Event.
Red Sails to Capri
by Ann Weil
I’ve read this once before and remember being impressed with the uniqueness of the story, which combined engaging fiction in an historical setting. I’m definitely interested in a re-read.
The Alexandria Quartet
by Lawrence Durrell
Oh, how painful! I’ve started this book and I really enjoy Durrell’s writing but the subject matter is certainly NOT uplifting and it’s been dragging on. I know that I’ll still be reading it in spring. Sigh. Wish me luck.
Dead Souls
by Nikolai Gogol
No promises, but I’m going to try to add this one to my reads. I must get a move on with my Russian literature project.
The Dream
by Emile Zola
Oh my! I started the Rougon Macquart series ages ago and have stalled after book number 4. The Dream or Le Révè is supposed to be excellent, so what is preventing me from starting? Focus, which right now is on other books.
Mary Barton
by Elizabeth Gaskell
Will I, won’t I? Will I, won’t I? I feel that I’d like to read something by a woman author such as Gaskell or Eliot or Brontë, but I’m not too specific about the book. Mary Barton might be my first choice but we’ll see. Spring brings change and this list could change as well! 🙂