The Diary of a Madman by Guy Maupassant

The Diary of a Madman“He was dead—the head of a high tribunal, the upright magistrate whose irreproachable life was a proverb in all the courts of France.”

In The Diary of a Madman, a renowned and respected judge of the highest order dies at the age of eighty-two.  All his life he had dedicated to pursuing the most vicious criminals and to defending the weak and helpless. Defendants trembled because It was as if he could read the minds of those who were to be tried in his court.  At his funeral, soldiers carried his coffin and there were many tears as this respected and venerable magistrate was finally laid to rest.

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The Maiden Without Hands by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm

The Maiden Without Hands “A miller fell slowly but surely into poverty, until finally he had nothing more than his mill and a large apple tree which stood behind it.”

(The 1819 Version)

One day a poor miller met a strange old man who promised him that he would make him wealthy if, in three years he would give the dearest thing to him that was standing behind his mill.  Thinking the odd man was referring to the apple tree, he quickly concurred.

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Love Sonnet XIII by Pablo Neruda

Pablo Neruda as a young man

Pablo Neruda as a young man
~ source Wikipedia


The light that rises from your feet to your hair,
the strength enfolding your delicate form,
are not mother of pearl, not chilly silver:
you are made of bread, a bread the fire adores.

The grain grew high in its harvest of you,
in good time the flour swelled;
as the dough rose, doubling your breasts,
my love was the coal waiting ready in the earth.

Oh, bread your forehead, your legs, your mouth,
bread I devour, born with the morning light,
my love, beacon-flag of the bakeries:

fire taugh you a lesson of the blood;
you learned your holiness from flour,
from bread your language and aroma.

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Why Didn’t They Ask Evans? by Agatha Christie

Why Didn't They Ask Evans?

Why Didn’t They Ask Evans?: “Bobby Jones teed up his ball, gave a short preliminary waggle, took the club back slowly, then brought it down and through with the rapidity of lightning.”

Alternate Title:  The Boomerang Clue

Detective: Lady Frances “Frankie” Derwent & Bobby Jones, childhood friends

Published: September 1934

Length: 351 pages

Setting: Wales & Hampshire

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A Christmas Supper in the Marais & Other Christmas Stories by Alphonse Daudet

A Christmas Supper in the MaraisI’ve always wanted to read Alphonse Daudet, Lettres du mon Moulin, but time to plod through it in French hasn’t materialized.  However, given the season, and coming across this compilation of Christmas stories in English translation, I thought I’d give it a whirl.

Place Royale Paris

Place Royale, Paris – Augustus Pugin
~ source Wikimedia Commons

I just have to summarize the whole stories as they’re so good, so I’ll give a spoilers warning here.

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Reginald’s Christmas Revel by Saki

Christmas Stories And now we arrive at the ninth story included in the 20 Christmas Stories volume of Everyman’s Pocket Classics, Reginald’s Christmas Revel.

I’ve always been intrigued with Saki but hadn’t read any of his stories.  In fact, I lacked even the cursory knowledge that his real name was Hector Hugh Munro and he was British, not Asian as I had thought.  So with a lively curiosity, I began this story with relish.

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A Chaparral Christmas Gift by O. Henry

Christmas Stories“The original cause of the trouble was about twenty years in growing.”

A Chaparral Christmas Gift is the eighth story in the Everyman’s Pocket Classics Christmas compilation of 20 short stories.

The story begins on Christmas Eve with a tale of unrequited love.  Rosita McMullen, daughter of the owner of the Sundown Sheep Ranch, was courted by numerous men, however only two held her admiration: Madison Lane and Johnny McRoy who is later called the Frio Kid.  Rosita chooses Madison and on their wedding day, McRoy appears, tries to shoot both of them but is prevented, then shoots an innocent man and flees, screaming of his vengeance and hatred.  He thus becomes the Frio Kid.

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The Burglar’s Christmas by Willa Cather

Christmas StoriesI believe this is the third Christmas that I’ve continued reading the Christmas short stories from Everyman’s Pocket Classics.  The stories are written by well-known classic authors and each one so far has been excellent.  This is the seventh story in the compilation, written by Willa Cather, and is set on a cold Christmas Eve in the city of Chicago

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