Another spin and another chance to choose from my Classics Club list .
Category Archives: Classics Club Spin
Classics Club Spin #39
Good heavens, I almost missed this spin. I was going to change up my Classics Club list as the list I had wasn’t really targeting my top reads but there’s no time to do it now, so I’ll go with the original.
Classics Club Spin #33
Oh, heavens! I haven’t accomplished much on the spins. I did manage to find my copy of Revelations of Divine Love, so that’s promising. Otherwise I :
- am reading Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations but haven’t finished it
- have begun Sigurd the Volsung and the Fall of the Niblungs on my Kindle (the children’s version) and also started one volume of the original. I’m planning to finish the Kindle version, which is all I committed to; the original is both too long and too difficult to find for me to commit to it now
- I began Aristotle’s Ethics as a course quite awhile ago. I plan to finish … but ….
- I finished Journey from Peppermint Street by Meindert de Jong. Woo hoo!
Not the results I wanted but, oh well!
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Classics Club Spin #32
I don’t know why I’m doing this but here goes ….. from all four lists.
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Classics Club Spin #30
Classics Club Spin #28 …………. And the Winner Is …………..
Classics Club Spin #28
Another day, another spin and I’m in! I haven’t finished my last spin ….. yet. I’m still reading through The Merchant of Venice but at least I started and do plan to finish so it’s not a complete fail. And I’ve discovered a new energy to read some of the books on my Classics Club list. So a spin is just the thing. Let’s see what comes up …..
Classics Club Spin #27
I’ve been reading at a very, very moderate pace but haven’t had time to post reviews. I’ve finished The Enchanted April, am almost finished Quo Vadis, am halfway through Nicholas Nickleby and have just begun Notre-Dame de Paris. Lots of books on the go but nevertheless, I’m going to participate in the Classics Club Spin #27.
Classics Club Spin #26
It’s time for the Classics Club Spin #26. I did finish the last spin in an odd way, reading Cirtnecce’s pick of Tevye the Dairyman and Motl the Cantor’s Son, but at least it was on my Classics list, so I was able to tick that one off. Thus, with that success in mind, I’m joining once again!