The Voyage Out Read-Along

In a spur-of-the-moment decision, Jason at Literature Frenzy,  Ruth at A Great Book Study, and I decided to join O at Behold the Stars to read Virginia Woolf’s The Voyage Out beginning on March 26th, which marks the 100th Anniversary of its publication.  The Voyage Out is Woolf’s first novel and includes the character Mrs. Dalloway from her later novel of the same name. It’s going to be a fun time had by all, if anyone else would care to join us.  To sign up, please visit Behold the Stars.

8 thoughts on “The Voyage Out Read-Along

  1. I ordered a copy for my iCloud via Amazon. It was free. I've not read a book online, so this will be a first. Don't you love that photo of Woolf?

  2. I'm using a free Kindle version; I hope it's okay but I thought it would be safe since there's no translation aspect to it.

    The photo makes her look very frail which is opposite of how I feel she sounds in her writing. I'm looking forward to adding another of her books to my Woolf-knowledge.

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