Elizabeth Goudge Reading Week April 24-30

In honour of the birthday month of Elizabeth Goudge, The Emerald City Book Review is hosting an Elizabeth Goudge Reading Week.

I’m a little late with my post but better late and confused, rather than absent!  I was planning to read The Dean’s Watch, but after starting it, I appear to have misplaced it.  I mean REALLY misplaced it!  I can’t find it anywhere!  In any case, quelling my frustration at not being able to find a rather large hardcover book, I’ve abandoned my original plan and have picked up Island Magic to read.  I sat down to read it today and was immediately immersed in the story. Goudge’s writing is so mesmerizing, beautiful and startlingly insightful.  I’m so glad that I decided to participate in this event.

My dream would be to finish Island Magic and be able to find and finish The Dean’s Watch too, but I’m not particularly idealistic and know I will probably only have the time to get through one.  But at least I’ll have an introduction to Goudge’s writing, which I’ve been meaning to read for years and have yet to. Thanks for hosting, Emerald City!

17 thoughts on “Elizabeth Goudge Reading Week April 24-30

  1. E. Goudge…I have never heard of her! I will do some investigation work about her today! Thanks for yet another reading suggestion.
    Mesmerizing? Really?

  2. I first was introduced to the Channel Islands through the BBC series, Island at War, so I have a little bit of a visual of the setting, which is nice. I really hope that you're able to travel there someday. With the blend of the two cultures, I would imagine it would be a unique experience. Happy Goudge reading and thanks for stopping by, Lark! 🙂

  3. Her writing is very original, in that you expect a romantic fiction such as Victoria Holt or Dorothy Eden, but Goudge's acute perception of human character, her ability to present both adult and children in a believable way and her presentation of the universal struggles and paradoxes in life, make her writing move way beyond a historical/romance/suspense-style writing. She's just awesome and I can't wait to read more of her books!

  4. You could write ' blurbs' on the bookcover flap!
    Your enthusiasm is contagious! I will put E. Groudge in the ' to investigate list' !

  5. Seeing your comment there reminded me to google her – why I don't know but I googled "E Groudge" instead of Elizabeth Groudge and got "Did you mean: THE Grudge".

    No, Google, just no. 🙂

  6. Ha ha! I would have though google would have taken "Groudge" as "Grouch" 😉

    I'm almost finished! If all her books are as good as this one, I'm going to have to start collecting……

    • Well, I’ve only read The Little White Horse and Island Magic so I’d have to say the latter, but I started The Dean’s Watch and had a feeling I’d like that best of the three. Um ….. you’ve reminded me that I need to read more Goudge, lol!

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