Classics Club Spin #35

Autumn tree and lane

I’m not going to finish my Classics Club list, within the 5-year time period but nevertheless I continue on and these spins help out so much.  And by including four lists I’m at least making my way through some of my reading goals.  So I’ve been waiting for this spin!

The Rules for the Classics Club Spin #35 are:
  1. Go to your blog.
  2. Pick twenty books that you’ve got left to read from your Classics Club list.
  3. Post that list, numbered 1 – 20, on your blog by Sunday.
  4. Sunday morning, the Classics Club will announce a number from 1 – 20.  Go to the list of twenty books you posted and select the book that corresponds to the number they announce.
  5. The challenge is to read the book by December 3, 2023 (but I say before the next spin).


Autumn drink

I used the random list organizer here to choose the 20 books from my master list. Here is my spin list:

  1. Meditations (170-180) – Marcus Aurelius
  2. Bleak House (1852/53) – Charles Dickens
  3. Crime and Punishment (1866) – Fyodor Dostoyevsky
  4. Kidnapped (1886) – Robert Louis Stevenson
  5. Tom Sawyer (1876) – Mark Twain
  6. A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland and a Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides (1775) – Samuel Johnson
  7. The Decameron (1353) – Giovanni Boccaccio
  8. Shirley (1849) – Charlotte Brontë
  9. The Twelve Ceasars (121) – Suetonius
  10. Wives and Daughters (1864/66) – Elizabeth Gaskell
  11. Richard III (1592) – William Shakespeare
  12. Address to Young Men (363) – Saint Basil
  13. Great Expectations (1860/61) – Charles Dickens
  14. Ecclesiastical History of the English People (731) – Bede
  15. The City of God (426) – Augustine
  16. 1984 (1949) – George Orwell
  17. Animal Farm (1945) – George Orwell
  18. Pensées (1669) – Blaise Pascal
  19. The Praise of Folly (1509) – Eramus
  20. Pericles, Prince of Tyre (1607-1608) – William Shakespeare

As with previous Spins, instead of producing a new post, I’m going to simply announce the winner below and, to make it easier to complete at least one book, I’m going to choose a book from my Guardians Listmy Shakespeare Project and my Children’s Classics Project, with no deadline date, just a dedication to read.

(I will fill in below when the number is chosen on Sunday!)

And the winning number was 2 !  Which means I get to read Bleak House!  It’s definitely one of my top choices.  I can’t wait.  See my other options below:

Pumpkin Autumn Reading


Classics Club Winner:  Bleak House

Guardians Book List Winner:  Childhood’s End

Shakespeare Winner: Henry VIII

Children’s List Winner:  My Side of the Mountain


Other Spins:

Classics Club #34 Winner

Classics Club #33 Winner

Classics Club Spin #32 Winner

Classics Club Spin #30 Winner




Photo #1 courtesy of Hans on Pixabay

Photo #2 courtesy of nad RoonzNL on Pixabay

Photo #3 courtesy of GabrysIowaMama on Pixabay



21 thoughts on “Classics Club Spin #35

  1. You have a lot of good books on your list. I wouldn’t stress too much about not finishing within the 5 years. It took me 8 years to complete my first list and will probably take the same amount of time to do the second one. I’m hoping the selected number gives me a short book!

    • Oh, that’s soooo good to know! I’ve still been reading classics, it’s just that I’ve been doing lots of re-reads and reading classics not on my list. But it’s the reading that counts, right? Thanks for stopping by!

    • You don’t seem to have problems reading classics and all sorts of eclectic and interesting books. Hope you’re doing well, Carol!

      • Bleak House! Loved it. 😊 I started reading The Clever Woman of the Family by Yonge which I’ve wanted to for a while but couldn’t push myself to start until now.

        • Yay! I’m so excited about Bleak House.

          You’re another person from whom I get such great book recommendations. Love it!

  2. I’m on the sixth of five years myself, but that’s alright. They’re all good books & they’ll get read sometime! I almost put Wives & Daughters on mine and did put the Decameron. Hope you get something good!

    • Wow, we’ve been discussing The Decameron for years, haven’t we? I’ve been dragging my heels because I’d like to write posts for each chapter on my blog but have been too busy to find the time. Perhaps next year …. or now if the spin decrees! And I’m glad to hear there are so many of us who have list that are dragging beyond the five years.

      • I know. If you get the Decameron, I’m going to read anyway. But I’m sure I wouldn’t manage a post for each chapter or each day even.

        That seems to be the problem for me in putting gigantic books on my classics club list. I finished Plutarch, but fell off on posting about it. I managed three posts for the 1500 pages of Jean-Christophe. I put Gibbon on my list, but I just can’t imagine doing it justice on my blog.

        • Oh my! I know! I’m still trying to finish City of God and I don’t even want to think about my short and aborted start of The Faerie Queene. Such shame! In any case, they are still in the forefront of my mind.

        • Oh my, you spun The Decameron! Now I should read it as well. Off I go to pull it out. Perhaps I’ll do the chapter/day posts next time …. 😆

          • It’s time for The Decameron! I won’t start this week, but maybe next week I’ll try an organizing post.

            Bleak House is pretty great, one of my favorite Dickens, but it’s not short either.

  3. Cleo, I think I have about 4 months to read about half my list, so that’s not going to happen for me either! But the spins are always a nice way to pick something up I might not otherwise have selected right away. I see you haven’t steered away from the thick book options either. 🙂 I figure even if I don’t get something read by the deadline, at least I’ll have read it. I hope you spin something you love!

    • I like the way you read …. it seems slow and steady and thoughtful. I see you’ve spun The Oresteia. It’s soooo good! I hope you enjoy it and you should be able to finish it by the deadline. Yes, I spun Bleak House and it’s exactly what I was hoping.

      • Ha, ha, I don’t know if it’s slow and steady and thoughtful so much as distracted which makes it look nice and slow… 🙂 Glad to hear you’re excited by Bleak House. Really, I think I’m going to have to read that soonish.

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